Monday, February 1, 2010

My son Amaru

Motherhood is as intuitive a task as it is a frightening one. I am always asking myself if I am doing a good job as a mom, wondering about the possible outcomes of my raising of Amaru, trying to rid him of as much future neurosis as possible. I see myself intruding in his little unraveling world, almost like a stranger, trying to read into his eyes for some type of reassuring answer. However, my apprehensions and inner quarrels are put to rest when I see him smile with that childlike chuckle, intact in its innocence, when he chooses to sit by my side (although I might be tired and with little attention to spare) instead of sitting by himself. My heart is happy when I go to bed every day and know full well that I am far from being the perfect mother, but by all means, I know I am a good enough one, because I am doing the best that I can.


Anonymous said...

I think you are doing a great job. Amaru is a lovely child.

Unknown said...

You are a great mom. Thanks for my nephew!

Nardo said...

How sweet! I'd cry if my mom wrote something like this about me...

Raquel Z. Rivera said...

What a beautiful shot! (not to mention beautiful boy and beautiful woman...) Un abrazo.

Erika Morillo said...

Gracias Raquel! Many blessings on your upcoming journey as a will see that it will add so many beautiful layers of depth to your life.

Much love...